An Expert Guide to Help You Winter-Proof Your Home

Winter months are quite a challenge on their own, and worrying about the cost of your heating bill can add up to more stress. Many arrangements are required to maintain a warm and cozy ambience and guard the body and the home. 

Several tips mentioned in this post may sound too obvious, and some might strike your mind for the better, but they are indeed worth discussing. So, let us dig into the energy-saving and winter-proofing tips that works for all sizes of homes –

  1. Use Heavy Curtains

Linen and sheer curtains look great in summers but very odd if used in winters. In fact, there is no good purpose they can be put to use for. So, you need heavy, lined curtains extending way up and below the window frame to block any cold air from sneaking in and the warm air from escaping through.

  • Invest in Winter Textiles

Blankets, rugs, and woven throws instantly add a cozy and warm feeling to any space. A small runner next to your bed, a mat in the bathroom, and a large area rug in the living room can provide that much-needed comfort under your feet and insulate the house better.

  • Seal Up Gaps and Cracks

If you add up the heat that escapes through the cracks and gaps, it can account for up to fifteen to twenty percent of the heat loss you are experiencing in your home. So, inspect your windows, door, and wiring holes for any such air leaks happening. Seal the cracks and use weatherstripping around windows and doors.

  • Rearrange the Furniture

You would be surprised to see the difference your revised furniture layout brings to your house. Moving your couch away from windows, your work desk close to a sunny window, and your bed towards a well-insulated wall can do better at keeping you warmer inside than anything else. Make sure your sofa or other larger pieces of furniture do not block the heat in your room.

  • Install a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat lets you set different temperatures for different times of the day -morning, evening, day, and night. That way, you don’t need to keep the heater on around the clock. You can instead set it on the low end when you are sleeping or away from home. Install it yourself or call a technician.

  • Insulate the Walls and Attic

This can be an expensive and large-scale change to your property but comes with great benefits. Poorly insulated houses are difficult to cool in summers and heat in winters. By adding or replacing insulation in walls and ceilings, you easily maintain a comfortable temperature in the house, irrespective of the climate outside.

  • Upgrade your Windows

Windows and doors are the biggest culprits behind the significant heat loss you are dealing with in your home. So, before the fall or winters hit and your heating bills skyrocket, replacing your windows is the best bet. The newer, energy-efficient options would block the moisture from cold air and keep the comfort of your home intact. You can explore all types of window styles here.

Several tips mentioned in this post may sound too obvious, and some might strike your mind for the better, but they are indeed worth discussing. So, let us dig into the energy-saving and winter-proofing tips that works for all sizes of homes –

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