How to choose a bionic prosthesis?

Who needs a bionic prosthesis? Every amputee does. And ordinary cosmetic prostheses can be implemented for almost all the amputees out there. But with the emergence of bionic prostheses, the story changed drastically. Bionic prostheses due to their many technical and functional limitations are not applicable for all cases. Before wielding a bionic prosthesis an amputee must go through a long and rigorous training and incubation process. During this process, an amputee learns to deal with handling the new bionic enhancements. A bionic prosthesis needs calibration and right tuning, a manufacturer takes care of these issues during this time. And an amputee learns the limitations and capabilities of this new enhancement.

The tedious process can only be completed with mutual cooperation and will of taking up hardships. The sole purpose of a modern-day bionic prosthesis is to make life easier for those who have lost a limb. And the ones delivering the promise in a better way must be chosen for wielding. A modern-day prosthesis packs a lot of components. From delicate and complicated hardware to sophisticated electronics all of the aspects must be kept into consideration before choosing to wield.

Who should choose a bionic prosthesis

Many amputees out there can not afford to live a dependent life. And must start contributing in order to manage the livelihood they had. These people will most likely display a need and motivation to go through a tedious training schedule in order to wield a bionic prosthesis. A bionic prosthesis, due to the technology it packs, is expensive. And the expense does not stop there, it continues in the form of time and effort.

Additionally, an amputation that fails to retain the relevant residual muscles, disqualifies an amputee from wielding a bionic prosthesis. Even an injury affecting the relevant dermatomes can render an amputee unable to wield.

Quality of the prosthesis

The quality of a prosthesis depends on the material in use. A modern-day prosthesis is made up of composite materials with high strength to weight ratio. And due to this incorporation modern-day prostheses are lighter and more agile. The ergonomic gift of a bionic prosthesis comes with the promise of hygiene as well. The parts and components in contact with skin are usually made up of superhydrophobic materials. These materials do not encourage the deposition of sweat or excess humidity. And due to low water retention, the friction is also pretty low.

Protection and support

Life on planet earth involves a lot of detrimental exposure like water, wind and dust. These factors, if deposited in the relevant regions, can debacle the functionality of a prosthesis. A good prosthesis, designed by a sensible manufacturer will keep the protection aspect in mind.

After the adoption of a robotic prosthetic arm after a long conditioning and incubation period, it is important to support the wielder for a fairly long duration. And the support effort from the manufacturer must get maximum attention as time is of the essence for the amputees.

Performance of the prosthesis

The performance of a bionic prosthesis depends on a lot of factors. Which include hardware and electronics. The hardware determines the quality and quantity of actions a prosthesis can perform. Additionally, the sophistication of hardware determines the price of a prosthesis.

Another important component of a bionic prosthesis is the sensors. These sensors are mostly non-invasive in nature and are deployed for picking up electromyographic signals from the residual muscles. The sensitivity of sensors determines the strength of EMG signals. And the capabilities packed by the computer determine how that signal will be utilized. The hardware, sensors and the computer must exist in a good balance in order to deliver an empowering performance.

Author’s note

Before making the decision of helping someone with post-amputation rehabilitation. We must consider if the amputee can take up the ordeal to prepare and come back to life. Additionally, we must consider the eligibility of amputees from both anatomical, physiological and psychological aspects. In a country like ours, many amputees are not even aware of the presence of bionic prostheses. The educated and the learned must take up the mantle of teachers and teach the ones who must gain the knowledge. By mutual cooperation on a social level, a society suffering from a high load of amputation can be saved.

From an individual level to social levels amputations affect the livelihoods of many. Stalls progress and ushers in a plethora of psychological disorders. And till the emergence of 3D printed organs, bionics remain the only rehabilitation option. Perhaps the only option, able to restore progress and keep the wheel of advancement rolling.

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