How to Pick the Best Astrologer for You?

If you are here, hello, and let’s get started right off. Now, searching for the best astrologer is not an easy task. Too many names and too much info, but fret not. We are here to simplify it. Our list here bullets the essentials any astrologer will check to be categorized as one of the best.

The requirement for an astrologer could arise from plenty of subjects. It is no denying fact that we are superstitious, a trait that doesn’t leave us even overseas. From fixing Marriages to bettering businesses, we seek to understand the planets for various reasons. This is why it is also important to note that not every Astro is suited for every purpose. Yet, the underlying pointers should come to help. And even if you don’t hail from the west side of the world, this blog will highlight some general points, implementable anywhere. 

  1. First things first, never judge a book by its cover and never judge an Astro expert by their “externals”. Often when we think of such Godmen, we conjecture certain stereotyped imagery. Following that in a city like New York wouldn’t be the best. The best astrologer in New York will never need the garb of stereotypy to make them look or sound genuine. Talent and efficiency will do the talk.
  2. The genuinely best astrologers will not require the usage of such terms as “guarantee”, “expert”, or “authentic”. Again, actions are their strong points. Marketing gimmicks only work so far, and the trusted astrologer with a strong clientele would not feel much requirement for it. 
  3. The best astrologer in California or elsewhere will always first convey to you that astrology is a science (yes, it is true!). And akin to any other science, it takes time to deploy its power. Hence, they will never make any hasty, unjust promises. Fast results are often impossible working with planets, and hey, nothing good ever came fast!
  4. Another huge green flag when looking for an expert is to study their payment demands. A trusty astrology expert will always adhere to the truth of his craft and stay away from overcharging the nervous, perplexed customer. While we are not saying that these will be very cheap, they will always follow an average rate compared to the surrounding localities. 
  5. The best Astro guide will never attempt to scare you. They deal with a diverse customer base and thus know how to put forth the harsher points as composing as possible. So, you will not be scared off into buying gemstones or other gadgets by them. This also means there will be no “doomsday” predictions.
  6. It is no surprise that when we visit any doctor, we ought to provide a case history for optimum diagnosis. The same stands for our astrology experts too. During the maiden visit, we offer them our issues and any previous birth charts that we might have had, which is their starting point in helping us. The actual expert will merely use these points as a reference, not to trick you into thinking that he is an all-seeing God-man. He is not and will never make that promise. 
  7. Don’t confuse the term “best” with “flawless”. Astrologers are humans; they only decipher the divine. They don’t have a secret in looking into your daily lives to know every one of your steps. This is why you don’t always expect the readings to hit the bull’s eye every time. Even the best astrologers can have marginal errors. It is the majority of the reading that counts. And, such tiny errors can sometimes work as a marker that the person is genuine and is using their abilities to decipher your planets instead of mumbo-jumbo. 
  8. Last but never the least, always look for reviews beforehand. Thanks to today’s technology, even our ancient sciences have been rejuvenated and repolished. In today’s world, you can find many such gurus in your locality at the click of a button. If you are planning to visit someone found on the internet, it is best to do extensive research on them. Reading reviews and talking to any known ones which might have visited them is always a good decision. Again, most of the review must play a decisive role, not the other way around.

Astrology is a trusted art that has been around for ages. From Greeks to ancient Romans to Indians, everyone has had their fair share of this experience to try and better their life. Now, it is your turn. 

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