How Can Mugshots Be Removed from The Internet?

Mugshots being published on the internet could affect the credibility of an individual. He or she may not face society or carry the routine work as normally as one used to. Therefore, all these reasons make it vital to get the mugshots removed from the internet. Here in this post, we have provided some ways that can be adopted by an individual to get their mugshots removed from the internet.

How to get mugshots removed?

  • Contacting the webmaster: In case you want to get your mugshots removed from the particular website, then the first thing you can do is to contact the webmaster of the specific website. You must check if the particular site is having any page through which you can know the circumstances when the site will take down your mugshots voluntarily. If the webmaster agrees to take down the mugshots then it is actually removed from the website than the mugshots being suppressed by any particular search engine.
  • Consider contacting Google: Anther way you can get your mugshots removed is by contacting Google itself. Google is the most famous search engine and if it agrees to suppress your mugshots then it will lose its visibility to too much extent. If there are any legal complications involved then Google immediately removes the mugshots. Also, if the published mugshots possess any risk or harm to the identity of the individual, then in such cases also mugshots can get removed by requesting Google. However, if the published mugshots are already available to the public then Google might refuse to remove them.
  • Go for a removable service: Many companies claim to remove the mugshots, but these companies charge a certain amount of fee for their services. But the thing here is that these specific companies may or may not work directly with the website originally publishing your mugshots. Thus, there is a chance that your mugshots being published may be removed from a specific website. If the mugshots are already available to the public then there is a possibility that they might get re-published even after removing from a particular website.
  • Expunge the record: This option might seem difficult to you compared to the three options mentioned, but it may yield you greater results. This specific method requires that the crime committed by you falls under the purview of the expungement law including minor offenses, non-violent or sexual crimes, etc. In this procedure, an affected individual needs to file a petition with the court asking for the arrest record or other records to be sealed or expunged. If the petition is accepted by the court, then the applicant can order for the expungement of the website that was responsible for publishing the mugshots.

Final Thoughts

While some mugshots can be amusing, but some can negatively affect the life of an individual. Now that you know how to get mugshot removed, don’t let your credibility be negatively affected. Just go with any of the above-discussed methods and get your mugshots removed from the internet.

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