Why Hire an Attorney When Drafting a Will

At some point in life, you will start thinking about creating a will. And when that happens, the first option is searching for free templates online. However, the templates available online aren’t the best option. Unless you’re a qualified law professional or have sufficient knowledge of complex legal terms, drafting your own will can result in mistakes, rendering the will null and having your loved ones involved in potential litigations. As you might already know, a will is a legal document that ensures the smooth transfer of your assets to your loved ones. It also determines the executor of your will to manage the entire process of distributing your assets to the beneficiaries. Creating a will doesn’t mean your heirs get free from the probate process. However, having a proper Will ensures that your wishes are fulfilled upon your death. It provides peace of mind knowing that you have arranged everything for your loved ones.

There is no denying the fact that drafting a will is important for everyone- young or retired. Anyone with some savings, real estate and vehicles need to have a document that protects those assets. However, a DIY will could land your family in trouble during probate because it doesn’t guarantee that you have drafted everything that fulfills legal terms. For these reasons, it is highly recommended to hire a qualified attorney for creating your will.  With the assistance of a qualified estate planning attorney, you get a comprehensive plan that includes will, Trust, and power of attorney for medical and financial directives. If you’re still wondering how an attorney can help you in drafting a will, here are some compelling reasons to hire an attorney for creating your will.

Address All Components

When creating a DIY will, chances are you might miss certain things. However, attorneys specializing in estate planning have in-depth knowledge of wills and understand the language of the law. Even if you include everything in the document, chances are you’re not using the language accepted legally. From listing all your assets and naming an executor of the estate to designate guardianship of any minor children and more, a lawyer will take care of everything in a legal manner. The professional will also ensure to mitigate disputes during probate. In the event of the sudden death of both parents, the court could decide who will raise the children. But your attorney ensures to include the name of the guardian of your minor kids in the will. In addition to this, these law professionals also know the best ways to reduce taxes for your heirs.

Avoids Mistakes

Legal terms are complex and for a layman, it can be complicated to draft a legally binding document. The template available online may not be accepted in court. Even the simplest mistakes in this document could cause serious troubles for your loved ones later. But a will drafted by an attorney is free of all mistakes and accepted by the law. Your lawyer will make sure that your will is hard to contest. Besides drafting an error-free will, the attorney will also assist your family during probate and any legal proceedings that might arise.

Update Your Will

Creating a will isn’t a one-time process. You need to update this document from time to time. As your life changes, your attorney will consider your changed circumstances such as marriage, divorce, or having a child. Over the years, you could also acquire new properties and increase your wealth. By reviewing your changing situation, your will attorney can make changes and ensure that your will satisfies your current and future needs. Even if you ever become incapacitated or disabled, your attorney can determine who will take medical and financial decisions for you.

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